Home Ownership Tips and Advice Should You Get Genuine Or Aftermarket Parts For A Toyota Kluger?

Should You Get Genuine Or Aftermarket Parts For A Toyota Kluger?

by Jay Washington

Do you own a stylish and powerful Toyota Kluger? We bet you want to keep it that way for as long as possible, right? In order to do that, it’s imperative to ensure it’s being well-maintained. Taking it for a service every few months will help keep your Kluger in mint condition.

Every so often, you may need to replace a few parts…but genuine parts can cost a hefty sum sometimes. There is also the possibility of using aftermarket parts, which can be a lot more affordable. So, is it better to get the genuine parts or save a bit of cash and go aftermarket? Read on to find out more about the benefits of using genuine Toyota parts for your Kluger:

What are genuine Toyota parts?

When Toyota releases a vehicle from the factory, any parts it comes out with are considered genuine. Whether they were designed and manufactured by Toyota at Toyota or the company contracted to manufacture the part by following Toyota’s design specification, all of these parts are considered to be genuine. When you take your vehicle in to get repaired, these are the parts that will be used to replace broken parts.

What are aftermarket parts?

Aftermarket parts are any other parts designed for Toyotas by other manufacturers who have copied the designs of the original parts. Aftermarket parts are typically the more affordable option, which sometimes also makes them more popular with individuals on a tight budget. However, in order to make these parts cheaper, they are often made with lower-quality materials, meaning there’s a chance that they’re less reliable than genuine parts.

Why You Should Get Genuine Toyota Parts

While the price of genuine parts may be higher than aftermarket parts, there are a few benefits that come with your purchase. Here are some good reasons why you should buy genuine parts for your Toyota Kluger:

1.   They have high-quality parts

When you choose to use aftermarket parts or go to an independent mechanic, you stand the chance of getting the wrong or counterfeit parts. You might also have to wait for extended periods for parts to arrive. At a Toyota service centre, they specialise in all things Toyota, meaning that they’ll know what parts are needed and have them available when the car goes in.

2.   You have the help of experts

For those who decide to go to the Toyota dealership to have parts replaced, you won’t only be assured they’ll be using genuine parts, but you’ll be getting quality service, too. Their technicians undergo extensive training and experience in maintaining and repairing Toyotas, so by going to the service centre, you’ll be getting the experts to work on your Kluger.

3.   The parts are more readily available

When you’re getting parts straight from a certified Toyota dealer, this means you’re more likely to get them faster because they’re more readily available. This is because Toyota’s service centres tend to stock certain parts that are commonly needed, so they don’t have to order and wait for them.

4.   You’re assured of the quality

As we said earlier, when it comes to aftermarket parts, you don’t know what quality you’re getting or how long they’ll last. But, with parts from Toyota, you’re assured of the quality because they have the Toyota stamp of approval on them. Likewise, because they’re built specifically for your car, you know they’ll fit well.

5.   They generally come with warranties

When you opt for genuine or OEM parts, they generally come with a one-year warranty to provide quality assurance. Still, the duration may vary depending on who the manufacturer is. On the other hand, aftermarket parts don’t typically come with a warranty, and sometimes, using them may actually render your car’s warranty void.

6.   They may offer better safety

Quality also means reliability. Genuine Toyota parts are designed to fit perfectly with the other components of the engine and have the correct crumple zones in case you’re in a collision. In contrast, aftermarket parts might be made with inferior materials and have less effective crumple zones, making them a safety risk.

Final Thoughts

Overall, whether you choose to buy genuine or aftermarket Kluger spares will depend on your priorities and your budget, but remember that the cheaper option isn’t always going to pay off in the long run. Some aftermarket parts offer quality similar to genuine or OEM Toyota parts, but always pay attention to your warranty to see if it’s going to affect it—your safest option will generally be paying for the genuine Kluger parts.

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